A simple trick to falling asleep

A simple trick to falling asleep

A simple trick to falling asleep 

Having trouble falling asleep? Dead tired, but once you crawl into bed you're still tossing and turning for hours? With this trick, Dr. Scott Walter promises you'll fall asleep a lot faster. 

According to this certified dermatologist, you can use a mind-trick to trick your brain and make you fall asleep faster. Especially people who start thinking and fretting when they crawl under the sheets. With this simple trick, you rearrange your thoughts and quiet your mind. 

Think of random things

Apparently, it is enough to think of random things that are unrelated. Random things that have no logic behind them at all. Another simple trick is to pick a letter and count your heartbeat. Every eighth beat, think of a word that begins with that letter. Repeat this process - possibly with different initial letters - for about ten minutes, and you should fall asleep.  

Try Pure Up Caps Dreamz

Could you use a little help falling asleep? Then our Pure Up Caps Dreamz are definitely worth trying. We provide a natural remedy that promotes your sleep with a wonderful relaxing moment attached. A cup of delicious tea in the evening provides an evening ritual that makes it easier to catch sleep. Order your caps today and try it out. That way you won't have to do any mind tricks to fall asleep.

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